Just Because Gift Shop
Phone: (641) 446-2211 | Hours: Monday – Friday 10:00am – 2:00pm | Closed: Weekends and Holidays
The Decatur County Hospital Auxiliary manages the Just Because Gift Shop located in the lobby of the main entrance of Decatur County Hospital. The shop is staffed by volunteers Monday–Friday 10:00am-2:00pm.
When you purchase an item in the gift shop, you give twice. The proceeds go toward continuing the mission of Decatur County Hospital. It also allows DCH to be the best rural hospital in the country for patients to receive care, employees to work, and providers to practice.
The Decatur County Hospital Auxiliary formed in April 2007. Their mission is to support and promote the health and welfare for the population served by Decatur County Hospital.
The Auxiliary meets every first Wednesday of the month and is dedicated to making you feel like family.
Annual Auxiliary Functions include:
- Just Because Gift Shop, located in the DCH lobby. The store carries gifts, cards, and lots of other fun items. The store is open Monday – Friday from 10:00 am – 2:00 pm.
- Golf Tournament
- Jewelry Sale
- Christmas Bazaar
- Valentine Day Bake Sale
- Raffles/Fund Raisers
We currently have 22 active members and are always inviting new members. If you are interested, call the Just Because Gift Shop at 641-446-2211 to talk to one of our members, or leave a voicemail and we will get back to you.
The Decatur County Hospital Auxiliary is giving a sigh of relief. In 2011, we made a pledge to the New Hospital Fund for $80,000.00. Yes, $80,000.00. This would justify the space given to our ‘Just Because’ gift shop in the lobby. Many bake sales, jewelry sales, revenue from the gift shop and the golf tournaments allowed us to present the check ceremony. All this was possible because of the support from our community. Thank you. This $5,000.00 check retires our 2011 commitment but isn’t the end of our endeavors to support the hospital. Our auxiliary continues to give our scholarship to people studying in the medical field and a little extra to the employee fund. This last group is one of our best supporters. Thank you all. Now we are focusing on innovative ways to help support and promote our county hospital. Stop by our gift shop and check us out.