DCH Corner – Community Service Counts

Decatur County Hospital places great importance on community involvement. We pride ourselves on being a community-focused hospital, with the best interest of the region in mind. In addition to our excellent staff, this community focus is made possible by many volunteers and donors who give donations and financial support to help us serve our patients.

For this week’s DCH Corner, we want to take this small space to give a small token of gratitude and say thank you to these donors and volunteers.

First and foremost, we want to thank our DCH Auxiliary team. This group provides financial support directly to the hospital, volunteers to run the Just Because Gift Shop, and provides an annual scholarship. The major fundraiser this group organizes is the DCH Auxiliary Golf Tournament each summer. This summer, the tournament will take place on Saturday, August 5. For more information, contact Jeanne Vogel at 660-425-5652.

A special thank you goes out to Jan Chambers, who donates knitted shawls for patients to use during their stay.

The youth ROCCS group and the Southern Iowa Resources for Families (SIRF) group has donated toys to our Emergency Waiting Room, which is a great help with little ones need to visit the ER.

Jane Fleming assisted our Rehabilitation Department with making some supplies for lymphedema patients.  She donated her time, and the supplies to create these support items. Her donation allows patients to save $25-75 that would usually be an out of pocket expense.

And last, but certainly not least, we want to thank all of our county law enforcement teams and fire departments. All of these groups are very willing to respond to ambulance calls if we need assistance with lifting. We request their help frequently. All of the county EMR’s (Emergency Medical Responders) are volunteer, and we could not provide such excellent care, close to home, without their help.

These are not the only individuals and groups that have contributed to the success of your local hospital. Thank you to all those that might not be mentioned in this article. Without all of the community support, Decatur County Hospital could not provide such quality service, close to home.

To learn more about Decatur County Hospital and our available services, please visit www.www.decaturcountyhospital.org, or follow us on Facebook @DecaturCountyHospitalIowa. And don’t forget that we want to hear from you! Email us at serb@d-c-h.org if you have a topic or question you would like us to cover in one of our DCH Corner articles.