Friends of Decatur County Hospital Organization Offers $2,000 Scholarship

Friends of Decatur County Hospital (formerly DCH Auxiliary) has announced a $2,000 scholarship opportunity! Qualified applicants are:

  1. Second year or further into a health-care educational program.
  2. Resident of Decatur County (disregarding location of school) – OR – Currently employed by any health facility in the county (regardless of current residence).
  3. If current submitter has not been in school for a while, but would like to return and further their healthcare education, this would qualify for an application.

Deadline for submission of completed applications: June 30, 2022.

Recipient will be awarded at the Decatur County Fair, and must then provide information necessary for $2,000 check to be made out and mailed to the appropriate educational institution for the following term.

In your application letter, provide:

  • Your name, address, phone number, and e-mail address
  • A description of your course of study
  • The name of your educational institution, and the institution’s address and phone number
  • Details of any existing or prior scholarships received
  • A transcript w/GPA from prior year(s) course of study

In a short essay, please tell us about your career goals, and past and present community involvement.

Attach (or send separately) 2 letters of recommendation from the following: current professor/instructor, community person, and a non-related peer.

Send completed application to:

Decatur County Hospital
Friends of DCH Scholarship Chairman
1405 NW Church Street
Leon, IA 50144

Recipient must provide information necessary for $2,000 check to be sent to appropriate educational institution.